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Anger Management

Anger Management

Anger management is about learning to control or prevent angry behaviour. Anger is both a feeling and a behaviour. Everyone feels angry from time to time, however, angry behavior is not necessary. Angry behaviour can involve: Any aggressive or violent behaviour; verbal or non-verbal, yelling, criticising, patronising, throwing or breaking things, storming out, ignoring, and withdrawing.

Clients learn about angry behaviour, and strategies to control angry behaviour. In addition, I help clients to make lifestyle changes to help control angry thoughts and behaviours. These changes may involve improvements in drug or alcohol use, fitness, sleeping, stress, or help with conditions such as anxiety or depression.

If you need to do an Anger Managent Course for court purposes, I will present you with a letter on completion, to show you have completed my court approved Anger Management Course. Generally speaking, the course goes for 3 separate sessions of 1 hour duration, plus some homework excercises. The cost is $80 per session.
Article: Anger Management and Road Rage

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